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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wordpress plugins recommended for wordpress blog

It has not been so much time that I have been transferred to wordpress but I came to knew a lot about it and I find it more interesting and easy than Blogger.Here are lists of  26 wordpress Plugins that are strongly recommended for wordpress users.

1.   All in one SEO Pack
all in one seo pack screenshot 300x107 26 most recommended wordpress plugins for better wordpress blogThis is a single pack wordpress plugin which does all the optimization of your blog Search Engines.This Plugin automatically optimizes your title for search engines and helps you to get higher ranking in search engines.
2.   Google XML Sitemaps
xml sitemap generator 300x138 26 most recommended wordpress plugins for better wordpress blogThis plugin is also related to search Engine optimization.This plugin automatically generate a special XML sitemaps which will help different search engines like Google,Yahoo,Bing to better index your blog.
3.   Advertising  manager
advertising manager 300x177 26 most recommended wordpress plugins for better wordpress blogAdvertising manager is an ads managing plugin that helps you manage ads on your blog and also most recommended for the ad publishes.This plugin will manage and rotate your Google Adsense and other ads on your WordPress blog.It not only recognizes ad networks like Adsense,adbrite,widgetbucks,etc but also unsupported ad networks also.
4.   Akismet
Akismit checks your Blog against the spam comments posted  in your blog and automatically move them to spam section in the spam comments section without publishing it.You can review those comments in future and publish them.This plugin is strongly recommended to all the wordpress users.
5.   Similar Posts Plugin
related posts 300x206 26 most recommended wordpress plugins for better wordpress blogSimilar Posts plugin automatically displays the similar posts related to that post.This plugin is also said as Related posts plugin.This plugin helps your blog to explore your blog internal pages.
6.  Site Table of Contents Plugin
This plugin helps you create table of contents page for your wordpress blog easily.This plugin helps your users to easily explorer your blog posts easily according to your blog categories.
7.   WordPress Recent Posts Plugin
This might be the most simple and also the useful plugin for wordpress blog.This plugin helps you show your recent posts in your blog’s sidebar or somewhere else in your blog where you have pasted the code.
8.   WordPress Recent comments Plugin
Like recent posts plugin its also the  most simple and also the useful plugin for wordpress blog.This plugin helps you show your recent comments in your blog’s sidebar or somewhere else in your blog where you have pasted the code.
9.   Popular posts Plugin
This plugin shows all the popular posts published on your blog according to the number of comments posted on that post.This is also an important wordpress plugin.
10.   WP-PageNavi
pagenavi 26 most recommended wordpress plugins for better wordpress blog

This help helps you create page navigation widget in your blog that helps users to browse your blog contents more easily.This Plugin surely helps you gain more page views in your blog.
11.   Commentluv Plugin
comment luv 300x135 26 most recommended wordpress plugins for better wordpress blog

This plugin shows the link of the recent posts of your commentator after their comment in your blog.This plugin encourages your users to comment more in your blog which is really very useful.
12.  Easy  Google Syntax highlighter
c9b25 google syntax highlighter 300x156 26 most recommended wordpress plugins for better wordpress blog

Easy Google syntax highlighter allows you to put the different HTML,php,CSS ,etc codes in your blog in systematic and clean way.It automatically include languages to highlight, thereby improving page loading performance.
13.   KB robots.txt Plugin
When robots from different search engines they begin by ” ” checking it for special instructions.This KB robots.txt plugins lets you create and edit your robots.txt file within the wordpress which will surely make a difference on your ranking on different search engines.
14.   WordPress Download Monitor
WordPress is a plugin for uploading and managing downloads, tracking download hits, and displaying links from your wordpress account.This plugin requires wordpress version higher than 2.5.
15.   WP Greet box
WP greetbox feed 300x42 26 most recommended wordpress plugins for better wordpress blog

WP greet box shows the different greeting messages to your new visitors on the basis of their referring URL at the post of your each post.You can too edit the greeting messages as your desire.
16.   Subscribe to Comments WordPress plugin
This plugin is also related to the comment from.Its a robust plugin that enables your blog commentators easy to signup for email notifications for subsequent entries. When new comments are posted on the post on which the user has chosen Subscribe to comments,The new comments will be notified to email Inbox of that user.
17.   Digg Digg
Digg Digg is a social bookmarking plugin for your wordpress blog which helps to display the social bookmarking buttons on your blog easily.This plugin will Integrate “Digg”,”Reddit”,”dZone”,”Yahoo Buzz”,”TweetMeme(twitter)”, “fbshare(facebook)” and “Polladium”  into the posts of your wordpress blog.You can too customize the settings of the plugin.
18.   WordPress Thread comment
WordPress Thread comment plugin is an enhancement for your wordpress’s comment function.This plugin will add Reply function on your existed comment ,Then the discussion will be displayed threaded or nested.
19.   Wp Gravators Plugin
wp gravatars 300x98 26 most recommended wordpress plugins for better wordpress blog

This plugin is related to the comment function of your wordpress blog.This plugin will show the garavators or small thumbnail of the commenattor next by the comment in your blog comment section.This plugin will make your blog comment section more attractive.
20.   New Tag Cloud
wp new tag cloud 26 most recommended wordpress plugins for better wordpress blog

This plugin generates the small Tag cloud widget for your blog which makes your blog posts browse easily.You can use New Tag Cloud directly in a post/page, in the theme as PHP code or as widget.This new Tag cloud is easily customize the font size,font size type and more.
21.   AFlinker Plugin
This plugin is strongly recommended for affiliate marketers on wordpress.This plugin not only helps users to cloak their affiliate link but also helps bloggers to shorten the long link.
22.   Google Analytics for WordPress
Google analytics for wordpress is a plugin that automatically tracks and segments all outbound links from within posts, comment author links, links within comments, blogroll links and downloads.It also allows you to track adsense clicks,adds extra search engines, track image search queries and it will even work together with Urchin.This plugin is strongly recommendated for wordpress users.
23.   Broken Link Checker
This plugin will monitor the broken links and missing images in your blog and lets you know about it.If you have transferred tour blog to wordpress platform from other then this plugin is strongly recommended to you.
24.   SEO Friendly Images
SEO Friendly Images is a WordPress optimization plugin which automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes. If your images do not have ALT and TITLE already set, SEO Friendly Images will add them according the options you set. Additionally this makes the post W3C/xHTML valid as well.
25.   Popularity Contest WordPress Plugin
Popularity Contest keeps a count of your post, category and archive views, comments, trackbacks, etc. and uses them to determine which of your posts are most popular. There are numerical values assigned to each type of view and feedback; these are used to create a ‘popularity score’ for each post.
26.   W3 Total Cache
W3 Total Cache Plugin helps you improve the user performance of your blog by improving your server performance, caching every aspect of your site, reducing the download time of your theme and providing transparent content delivery network (CDN) integration.

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